ORWELLIAN: Canadians Can Now Be Fined or JAILED for Using Wrong Gender Pronouns

by Amanda Prestigiacomo

Taking a page out of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, Canada passed a new law that opens Canadians up to fines and even jail time if they use gender pronouns that do not correspond to a person’s subjectively determined “gender identity.”

As noted by The Daily Caller, Bill C-16, which was passed by Canada’s Senate on Thursday, puts so-called “‘gender identity’ and ‘gender expression’ into both the country’s Human Rights Code, as well as the hate crime category of its Criminal Code by a vote of 67-11.” All the bill needs now is a stamp of approval from the governor general.

Critics of the legislation say the bill will target conservatives who cling to reality and science and refuse to adhere to progressives’ gender theory, which is rooted in mere feelings, for potential hate crimes; potential consequences for refusing capitulation are monetary fines, “anti-bias training” and jail time.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was predictably overcome with joy over the progressive crackdown on free speech.

“Great news,” he wrote via Twitter. “Bill C-16 has passed the Senate — making it illegal to discriminate based on gender identity or expression. #LoveisLove.”

Aside from the law’s odious opposition to free speech, the bill is severely flawed due to the subjective nature of gender identity alone, as highlighted by conservative Senator Grant Mitchell in November 2016. “Transgender identity is too subjective a concept to be enshrined in law because it is defined as an individual’s deeply felt internal experience of gender,” he stated.

Fierce free speech proponent Jordan Peterson, an outspoken professor at the University of Toronto, fought tirelessly against the bill, “insisting that it infringed upon citizens’ freedom of speech and institutes what he views as dubious gender ideology into law.”

“Compelled speech has come to Canada,” wrote Peterson on Twitter. “We will seriously regret this.”

Speaking before the Senate in May, Peterson ripped the legislation and explained how it was sadly indicative of “how deeply the culture of victimization” has seeped into Canadian culture.

“[Ideologues are] using unsuspecting and sometimes complicit members of the so-called transgender community to push their ideological vanguard forward,” he said. “The very idea that calling someone a term that they didn’t choose causes them such irreparable harm that legal remedies should be sought [is] an indication of just how deeply the culture of victimization has sunk into our society.”

An outlier in academia, Peterson became a target for the SJW Left when he previously vowed to refrain from using fictional gender pronouns like “zir” and “ze.”

Campaign Life Toronto’s senior political strategist Jack Fonseca told Life Site News that the bill was an attack on religious people who reject the Left’s LGBTQ agenda.

“Mark my words, this law will not be used as some sort of ‘shield’ to defend vulnerable transsexuals, but rather as a weapon with which to bludgeon people of faith and free-thinking Canadians who refuse to deny truth,” he said.

This article was originally published by Daily Wire. Read the original article.

WATCH | Canada Criminalized the Usage of Wrong “Gender Pronouns”, People Could Face Prison for Using Wrong Ones

Canada passed a law Thursday making it illegal to use the wrong gender pronouns. Critics say that Canadians who do not subscribe to progressive gender theory could be accused of hate crimes, jailed, fined, and made to take anti-bias training.

Canada’s Senate passed Bill C-16, which puts “gender identity” and “gender expression” into both the country’s Human Rights Code, as well as the hate crime category of its Criminal Code by a vote of 67-11, according to LifeSiteNews. The bill now only needs royal assent from the House of Commons to pass into law.

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