Ten Awesome Historical Words We Should Bring Back
Are you thinking of mixing up your slang? Try out these throwback words.
Since people first began speaking, language has always been evolving and adapting to the needs of its users. Thousands of words that were once widely used have long since been forgotten and others have taken their place.
Below, you’ll find 10 awesome historical words we should definitely bring back to daily use.
1. Fudgel
Definition please: To “fudgel” means pretending to work without actually accomplishing anything.
Can you use it in a sentence? “Gilbert spent Friday afternoon fudgeling at his desk, while counting down the hours until the weekend.”
2. Grufeling
Definition please: Often used in ridicule, to be “grufeling” is to wrap yourself up and lie down comfortably.
Can you use it in a sentence? “Want to Netflix and grufel tonight?”
3. Callipygian
Definition please: “Callipygian” is an antiquated, and maybe more polite, way of saying someone *has a nice butt.
Can you use it in a sentence? “That callipygian woman seems to have inspired a sudden interest in fitness and wellbeing.”
4. Lanspresado
Definition please: A “lanspresado” is someone who conveniently shows up without any money.
Can you use it in a sentence? “There’s no excuse for lanspresados, now that everyone has a credit card.”
5. Pannychis
Definition please: The word might not sound like fun, but “pannychis” is defined as an all-night feast or ceremony.
Can you use it in a sentence? “What a wild pannychis last night! Let’s do it again next weekend!”
6. Philogrobilized
Definition please: “Philogrobilized” is how people used to describe a hangover without admitting to having been drinking.
Can you use it in a sentence? “I’m not hungover. I’m just *philogrobilized.”
7. Expergefactor
Definition please: “Expergefactor” is a complicated, catch-all term to describe anything that wakes you up.
Can you use it in a sentence? “Sorry I’m late, my expergefactor didn’t go off this morning.”
8. Frobly-mobly
Definition please: “Frobly-mobly” means exactly how it sounds: so-so, feeling neither well nor unwell.
Can you use it in a sentence? “At best, Dave was feeling frobly-mobly that morning. Then, he had a coffee.”
9. Twattling
Definition please: “Twattling” is another word for idle gossip.
Can you use it in a sentence? “Their texts showed a record of twattling that went back several weeks.”
10. Kakistocracy
Definition please: “Kakistocracy” is a forgotten word that describes an unqualified and incompetent government.
Can you use it in a sentence? “Our reliable system of checks and balances will prevent a kakistocracy.”