The Potentia of Quantum Nonlocality
by Lexie Ernst
Why are we here? What are we doing? What’s our purpose? These age-old, eternal questions have seemed to forever drive mankind. For the majority of my life I belonged to the school of thought that religion, and the organizations that surround it, is the most manipulative and destructive system on planet earth as it prevents people from asking why to the most important questions of life. To me, religion always seemed absurdly simple: people who lived before us passed down stories, and their descendants are still trying to convince us of the validity of those stories. To be fair, those stories were completely valid at the time they were conceived. I often try to imagine living in a world where you saw a burning ball floating in the sky, but could not explain its existence. Or a world where one day it is blazing hot and months later it snows, and having no grounds of understanding why. Picture a world where you couldn’t zoom out from your myopic, human perspective, a world where you thought the earth itself was flat. A world where the luxury of having an image of the round earth, entirely suspended in space, wasn’t available at your fingertips. In the past, religion provided answers in an unanswerable time. However, in modern times, no matter how hard I try, I can’t rationalize devout religion. How can one be so sure? How can one not wonder?Hypothetical scenario: In the year 2450, one human being colonizes mars. Along with her she brings the technology to populate mars in a lab setting. As baby after baby is born in her lab, she decides to run a controlled experiment with the new society. She decides to fabricate a God called the Big Mac God. This God, called the Big Mac, is the creator of the universe and has bestowed upon every Mars inhabitant the gift of life. You must obey Big Mac’s rule, or you will be ripped from the planet and swallowed by a black hole. If the sole earth-descendent wrote up the necessary documents and narratives, and shared this story convincingly, I would be willing to bet in Vegas that come 10,000 years, hundreds of generations later, the people living on Mars — as long as they were shielded from modern science and information exchange––would still believe and fear the Big Mac God with all their hearts, as there would be no infrastructure to question the nature of their reality.
Evolution was always my biggest argument for science over religion. If one truly studies its precepts, there’s no denying its validity. However, it was only recently that I realized how insufficient an argument evolution is for the theory and existence of everything.
It all began when I researched the Observer Effect.
As humans, we take our shared physical reality for granted. Until modern times, the physical nature of matter was never questioned or doubted. However, physicists have been able to prove that consciousness itself in fact shapes our physical reality. Let me explain….
In the famous double slit experiment, scientists wanted to see how electrons acted in isolation. They set up a metal shield with two slits in them, and put a wall behind this shield. One by one, the shot an electron at the shield, and expected the electrons to act as macroscopic matter, like marbles, would act: they expected many of the electrons to hit the metal shield –– and therefore not pass through either slit –– a few to pass through one slit, and a few to pass through the other slit, giving rise to clusters of electrons on the back wall where both of the slits in the metal shield were. For some odd reason, this was not the case; instead of passing through the slits in the metal shield, the electrons exhibited signs of of an interference pattern! In other words, the electrons were acting like waves of possibilities; an electron would pass through one slit, both slits, and no slits all at the same time. This clearly made no sense based on our traditional models of physics, so scientists wanted to take a closer look at how this was happening. To get more insight, they inserted a device into the experiment to observe which slit each electron was going through. They repeated the experiment with this observing device in place, and were shocked with the results: while being observed, the electrons began to act as ordinary macroscopic matter again; they would go through only one slit, or no slit at all, and exhibited no signs of wave like behavior. Again the scientists repeated this experiment, this time with a machine that could observe and receive information faster than the speed of light. It would be impossible, they thought, for the electron to ‘know’ it was being observed this way, because nothing can move faster than the speed of light — not even the transfer of information. Still, after toggling this observing machine on and off at random, the results were constant. After countless tests and studies, scientists were able to conclude that the smallest particles of our world — electrons, photons, and quarks — do not exist until a conscious being observes them. Specifically, these minuscule particles are only waves of possibilities — they can be or do anything in probabilistic terms — but that wave of possibilities only collapses into actuality at the point of conscious observation.
This unequivocally proves that consciousness is a real and tangible ingredient of concrete reality that transcends space and time, rendering it an element of quantum physics. In my humble opinion, this fact is the most paramount, yet most overlooked, fact of existence.
Evolution is the manipulation of genes, which at the end of the day is just the manipulation of matter. In the scientific community, I see people who are so utterly consumed by genetic studies and emerging gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR. These studies seem to give people basis to question if we are overstepping the boundaries of ‘God’, and if these processes are ethical. To me, that seems entirely nonsensical. I can draw no logical distinction between natural evolution, like weather patterns, disease, and human behavior — all of which result in an editing (no matter how slight) of our genes, and the physical process of a scientist nixing out a gene with a fancy machine. I don’t believe the universe or the cosmos draw a distinction either. Scientists today are so overly focused on physical matters, but it is becoming so absolutely clear that the non physical matters are the most significant in the quest for truth, and that these very nonphysical matters define and create all physical matter as we know it.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla
If there’s some sort of maker, and if there is anything bigger out there, it is not to be found in religion. It is also not to be found in genes or the contemplation of the future of the human race, and it is certainly not to be found in physical scientific phenomena. Instead, it is to be found in a deep and revealing universal consciousness that gives rise to… everything.
Multiple Universes Can’t Explain Reality — The Idea That Can Is Even Stranger
One of the prevailing mysteries of quantum mechanics, the vanguard of the physical sciences, is the phenomenon of “non-locality,” i.e., the apparent causal interaction of tiny particles across vast distances of space. The event violates our understanding of causality grounded in Newtonian physics as well as Einstein’s conception of a space-time continuum undergirding all of reality. One proposition that gets us out of this conundrum is multiple universes. This solution, however, doesn’t explain a number of other observations we’ve made of the universe, including black holes. Perhaps our understanding of space and time needs reconsidering, but where does our knowledge of the universe stand after that?
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