‘The Silence Breakers’ of the #MeToo movement have been named as the Person of the Year for 2017. (Source: AP/Twitter)

Time Person of the Year: The Silence Breakers


Time got it right: The Silence Breakers.

She recalls one screenwriter friend telling her that Weinstein’s behavior was an open secret passed around on the whisper network that had been furrowing through Hollywood for years. It allowed for people to warn others to some degree, but there was no route to stop the abuse. “Were we supposed to call some fantasy attorney general of moviedom?” Judd asks. “There wasn’t a place for us to report these experiences.”

Finally, in October—when Judd went on the record about Weinstein’s behavior in the New York Times, the first star to do so—the world listened.




Further reading:


“The silence breakers” who gave power to the #metoo movement are named Time Person of the Year 2017

Time magazine has named the “silence breakers”-mainly women who kickstarted the #metoo movement-as its Person of The Year. The win for the #metoo movement marks the 91st time the magazine has named a person, group or a concept that has had the greatest impact on the world that year.


A swarm intelligence correctly predicted TIME’s Person of the Year

In Brief For the second year in a row, Unanimous AI’s artificial swarm intelligence has predicted TIME’s Person of the Year. With a 100 percent success rate, swarm AI proves that it’s capable of taking in human insight in real-time for an optimized choice.



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